Members Page

As well as our monthly talks and presentations, Wokingham Literary Society offers informal groups, either in person or online to discuss literature.


This group is held online via Zoom at 7.30pm on the first Thursday of the month from September to June unless otherwise indicated.

Usually a member will talk about one book, often to recommend it. More generally, the member can describe some aspect of their reading which will interest other members and may lead to comments or discussion. Each initial contribution is usually limited to four or five minutes to enable everyone to contribute. Members are welcome to attend and listen, there is no requirement to discuss a book yourself.

The future dates for this season currently are:

6th March 2025, 17th April 2025, 1st May 2025.

Any alterations to these dates will be noted on this page which is regularly updated.

Face to face ‘I Have Been Reading’ groups may be arranged during the summer break and details will be provided here nearer the time.

POETRY: Two sub-groups of the Literary Society meet from time to time to read poetry. 

The Poetry Group is an informal gathering to which participants bring a short poem of their choice to read to the group. A brief discussion sometimes follows this. Occasionally we do an evening session of this group on Zoom. 

The next meeting of this group will be on Thursday April 10th 2025 at 2.30 pm. 

The Poetry Plus group meets less frequently usually to discuss a more difficult poem. 

The next meeting of this group will be on Thursday March 27th 2025 and the poet discussed will be Michael Longley.

If you are interested in joining a session of either group either as a visitor or a participant, please contact Rosemary Hughes on the details supplied on the members list or email the society on and your message will be passed onto Rosemary.


A summer social meeting is planned this year, as in previous years. Details of the date, time and place will be provided near the time.