About Wokingham Literary Society
The Society was founded in 1955 by John Chapman, a civil servant working in London, who gave his leisure time unsparingly to the cultural and civic life of Wokingham.
The first printed programme was dated 1956-7 and shows the annual subscription of 5 shillings per year. The Society has continued in existence without a break since then.
Today, the core of the programme is a series of Thursday evening meetings, running from September to May, when talks are given by members or guest speakers. The talks are given on literary topics of general interest – sometimes on a single author or poet; at other times on a specific them. Refreshments are available, followed by questions and discussions which are informal and lively.
You do not need experience of Literature, just curiosity and an enjoyment of reading.
There is also a programme of poetry reading and a monthly ‘I Have Been Reading’ session, usually online, where members discuss their reading.
During the summer, we hold a couple of ‘I Have Been Reading’ meetings in person at the home of one of our members and also hold a social gathering with tea and cake in one of members’ gardens.